Thursday, December 06, 2007

our bodies, like cars

or I treat mine that way sometimes (no wash, no wax, no oil change)

The funny thing about my body, though, is that when I run it hard for a few weeks, I don't really stop when I pull up into the garage. I mean the car stops, but the engine keeps buzzing.

That's how I feel today. I just turned in my last set of grades. I'm done.

And while I want to fall over into bed and sleep for a few days, my brain wants to start making syllabi for next semester. It's like the pedal is stuck. I'm off -- for FIVE WEEKS. Relax. But the engine keeps right on going.

My initial analysis of my first semester as a tenure-track professor:
1) Being adjunct sucked. I like being the "real thing," whatever that means.
2) Students are lazy bastards (most of them), and they don't deserve all of the bumping up of grades that I did.
3) Students don't understand research, the importance of logic, or attention to detail.
4) I cannot change certain things about students no matter how hard I try.
5) I like teaching.
6) I do not like Montgomery, Alabama.
7) Prioritizing my life is difficult and necessary.
8) Teaching at a religious affiliated school poses problems for me professionally and personally.
9) Teaching at a liberal arts college is cool.
10) The academic calendar is a good one.

Oh, yea, the car metaphor: I'm running on empty. I need an oil change. I haven't been washed since the drought started this summer. I need to be vacuumed. I'm starting to smell funny. Radio still working fine!

Those are all true of my actual car as well as me as a car.


Blogger Jebbo said...

I love the distinctions, it great to have clarity on the parts you like and do not, rather than a great big muddle.

I can relate on 2,3,5,7 and 10.

Plus this: I haven't taken my car in for longer than any period since I bought it, and I have a 2000+ mile road trip coming in about 2 weeks.

Wonder what that metaphor says.

11:22 PM  

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