Thursday, January 17, 2008

Beauty of beagles

I wouldn't take walks in the neighborhoods without him -- I prefer a spinning class at the gym. But taking walks with the dog has its advantages.

People like dogs -- even mine. Tonight I met a really nice guy, who like me and Phoenix, was listening to and searching for an owl that hooted in the park. Our dogs rubbed noses, sniffed butts, and the man was nice enough to take me over and show me the nest. Then we stood looking in the air long enough that I was able to see the great bird take flight. Owls are really cool.

Then I ran into a colleague that would have never stopped to talk to me except that he thinks Phoenix is all that. So, I was able to have several minutes of good conversation while he petted my dog.

In the moments after I've lost favorite shoes, cleaned up dog piss, and vacuumed all the tiny pieces of paper he's shredded while I took my shower, I am always sure that his being cute is what keeps him alive. Tonight, I realize that it improves my life.


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