Wednesday, December 12, 2007


For the past 15 months, I have been learning how my body reacts to the chemicals in food and drink that most people (at least in America) seem to handle easily. Even though alcoholism seems to be rampant in my family, I am not an alcoholic (right A?). On the other hand, I do have an addictive personality. C and I once sold our play station because I would stay up all night (literally) trying to beat a new game. In the same vein, I seem to have strong reactions to certain foods. Caffeine keeps me awake at night, but makes me full of energy. Wheat gluten makes my stomach hurt, but I crave pastas and breads more than any other foods. And sugar, well, it is my bourbon.

So yesterday, I was invited to try tea at the Ritz-Carlton:

And it was not a lot of blue-haired women in white gloves. It was delightful. But I had lots of sugar, flour, and caffeine. Dangerous. I left with such elation that even a Bikram class only brought me down half way. It took some solid protein to level me back out.

I have two points here: 1) try tea at the Ritz and 2) my body is a complicated chemical mess. Any shift in the intake, and I'm haywire.

It is interesting to discover your body at such at late stage in life. It makes me wonder about many things.

The photo at the top is the tea service. In addition to the dessert tray you see there, we added the sandwich plates and vanilla bean black tea. Heavenly.


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