Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Perrykat on politics????

Well, I have to say something.

Let me say up front that I'll be voting for a democrat, and no matter which one wins the nomination, I will be happy with him/her.

So, Kennedy endorses Obama and now NOW is mad at him for "abandoning women."

I find that this is disturbing to me in several, but conflicting, ways. Since the early part of the race, I have been leaning toward Clinton. I love the idea of a woman president. I think it is time for a woman president. I like the Clintons. But, despite his youth and inexperience, I do find myself growing to like Obama more and more. And I see that growing in many people around me too.

Here's what's bothering me:
1) Democrats are fighting too much over this. We need to unite.
2) Kennedy can endorse whoever he damn well pleases. NOW (of which I am a card carrying member) needs to throw support toward someone, not tear down someone else.
3) NOW, like me, wants a woman president. But, really, we just need to not have Bush.

4) In my deepest heart of hearts, I think Jebbo is wrong. Identity politics still matter most of all. And here is the really unsettling thing in the pit of my stomach:

This country, which is still run mostly by white men, really wants a man to be president. I sat at dinner with friends a few weeks ago, and the other woman at the table said this flat out, "we don't need a woman in power; men are meant to lead." I am behind an African-American candidate/president 100%: I think Obama can be a great president. But, deep inside me, in that dark place where I hide, I believe that the bigoted, sexist people of this country (that is not everyone, I know) will elect a black man before a white woman. And the thing that hurts me about this is that I am selfish enough, as a white woman, that it hurts a little.

I mean either candidate is a historical achievement. Both are good choices. But as I look at myself, I find that I side with her, because she is a "her." I don't know what to do with that.

I know that I should step aside, let others go first for once. But my gut rebels. Why are women always last?

ah well. Shit. Then I notice Clinton won Florida with 50%. I am happy? Guilty? WTF? When will this primary be over so I can just support someone?????


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