Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Back to business

After a few days away from home and a few more days before that pretending that I was away most of the day so that I only worked a few hours, I'm back at the computer sifting through the work that has been done to see where I am and what I need to do.

It is never as difficult as I think it will be. Yet I always find myself resistant to starting.

This blog is part of today's resistance.

I'm thinking of making up code names like Aunt B. does on Tiny Cat Pants so that I can talk about people without causing earthquakes in the crust of my family life. But that seems like too much trouble. So, I'll just keep it an open secret.

After spending a bit of time with my sibling in my hometown, I feel pretty sure that he has fallen off the wagon. And, who can blame him? With a second child on the way, and a pregnancy that is already filled with problems in the first trimester how could he hold out? Could I?

So now the situation is dire. No one seems to have an answer for how to solve it. He will probably end up in jail again, and he will have two children with an absent father. I hope that the health problems associated with the pregnancy are not damaging to her overall health -- for then the disaster would multiply exponentially.

From this corner of the world, my life seems safe, stable, and easy when I compare it to his.

This is what pushes me back to work today: to finish what I started, to forget about the mess in south Alabama, to keep my life stable.

So, I'm back to business. I purposefully strap my blinders back over my eyes and slump on down the road.


Blogger Jebbo said...

I've thought about a more anonymous parallel presence as well.

Now for the - what - Nom de clavier?

2:07 PM  

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