Tuesday, August 07, 2007


I've started to write several posts over the last few days, but nothing sounded like anything more than whining.

I'm tired of whines.

So today I'm thinking about what it is that makes me me. When I strip away my house, my routine, my job, my friends, what is left?

This was initiated by a documentary (and not a good one) called Unknown White Male. The film follows a man who loses his memories -- all of them. During his search for his own identity, he becomes reacquainted with his friends and family. The most interesting part of the film is that all his friends/family know him as a new and "different" person. Yet, he is himself. So, wiping away memory changes identity.

So,wouldn't moving do the same -- even it is to a lesser extent?

I have things to hang onto: spouse, pets, education, family. Yet, in many ways I can re-invent myself if I want to.

Should be interesting.


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