Monday, April 07, 2008

F**kin' 'ell

So, my class (this semester) with the prison program is now officially canceled. Why? you ask. Well, the students were offended by the language of the instructor and the language in the reading materials (selected by the instructor).

Yes, that's right. I have offended a group of ex-cons.

Now, I will say that I planned and gathered the reading materials for this class before I knew that it was taking place in a Faith-based facility (it is a halfway house for women -- Baptist). So, it wasn't until I actually drove to the site and noticed the sign out front that I knew what I was in for. But it wasn't until I heard the great intake of breath from the students when I used fuck in a sentence that I knew I was doomed.

I have offended them.

The funny thing, though, is that they are not asking me to leave. I had to tell them that the class was not working when on the third meeting only three students showed up and only one of those three had written anything. It isn't working, I reported. Suddenly, it became my offensiveness that was the problem.

I am relieved. I don't ever want to see them again. I've never been so happy to be told I suck in all of my life.

They can have their Jesus. I'll take hardened criminals over their wimp asses any day.


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