Thursday, December 02, 2010

It's not that I don't care...

it is just that I am busy.

As A told me this week:  my blog called, and it is no longer Halloween.

In fact, here it is:  December.

Our first Christmas with Zi.  My 41st birthday.  The ending of my first semester at GPC.  And, several other big things going on (promise to discuss these once the semester is actually over and I can spend some quality time here).

Right now, I should be grading papers.  Oh, the things I do to procrastinate from that!!!  I'll even stoop to updating the blog.

So, some interesting thoughts that I've had this past month.

We are becoming better parents.  Or at least we are getting used to being parents.  I'm finding that as she learns to communicate more and more, I have more and more patience with her.  We have also made conscious efforts to stop degrading our own skills, and I actually think that does help (at least it helps me) to think positively about myself as a parent.

Watching language develop in a human may be one of the coolest things I have ever witnessed.  Who knew a person could get so excited about a small child saying, "night night?"

A friend told me long ago that she learned to smile and nod when people gave parenting advice.  I wondered at the time why that was important information to pass on.  Now I understand.  Everyone has advice.  Some is worth hearing.  Most has little or nothing to do with me or Zi.  People just want to share their experiences.  So, I now remember what that friend said:  just smile and nod.

And finally, the holidays.  I'm very curious to see if having a child changes my outlook on Christmas.  As most of you know, it is not my favorite holiday.  I find it stressful, full of too much pressure to buy gifts, and overly commercial.  Yet, I'm dreaming of a beautiful pink tricycle (handlebar tassels and all) that Zi will find under the tree this year.  Maybe being a parent makes Christmas more fun.  I sure hope so.  I'll let you know...

In the mean time, here is Zi eating, drinking, reading, "watching" an Auburn game, bundling for cold weather, and sleeping.  Many of her mother's very favorite things in the world.  Don't let them tell you that it is nature and not nurture.  :)


Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I too just nod and thank people for advice... I will say one thing... if I do want advice... I will ask and listen... I may want to listen to it and maybe 'attempt' the advice given... if I agree, fine... if not, fine... I personally think we are doing a great job and I too think I am alot more comfortable with the whole parenting thing... I am just loving Miss Zi :)

1:34 PM  

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