Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Burning Hatred and Tolerance

So, I was on my way to the outlet mall here in North Georgia, when I passed a large maroon-colored 4 X 4 truck with two "bumper stickers" on its back window. One said, "Marriage = (bathroom symbol of male) + (bathroom symbol of female)" The other said "Truth: Not Tolerance" and had a Christian flag on it.

Now, I had really started to see myself as somewhat of a thirty-something: a sub-urbanite with a two-car garage and yoga studio membership. But something fierce still lives in me that I haven't felt or seen since about 1994. And that fiery little devil wanted -- for a brief moment -- to torch that truck and its occupants.

I am a peaceful person. Really. The people got away with only one dirty look from me.

But, in the comfort of my home, I began a little research. I found that there is a whole movement of religious right wingers who are preaching that the US should move away from "tolerance." Tolerance, according to Scott Scruggs, is "a legal or social imperative" and should not be considered a moral virtue. The Faithful Hope Reading Room says:
"Satan would love nothing more than for us to keep this Gospel hid from the lost - those whose minds are blinded by him through their unbelief. He wants us to TOLERATE other people's religions and show respect for others' false beliefs. He wants us to keep our mouths shut and to hide our candles under a bushel or a table so that none will find the way out of their SIN and DARKNESS."

So, to be tolerant of religions other than Christianity, in the view of this group, is to be doing the will of Satan.

Well, add another reason to the long list of reasons why I will end up in hell, if there is one. I just hope I don't end up in Dante's 7th level (3rd circle) with the other violent/blasphemous offenders.

Is it intolerant to joke about hell?


Tiny Cats Pants has an interesting post which is strangely related to this: click here to read it.


Blogger Jebbo said...

I wonder what you think of this, which I'm currently listing to. It's Camille Paglia on Walt Whitman.


11:46 AM  
Blogger perrykat said...

Okay -- so, I listened. Thanks for recommending it.

She didn't say anything new to me about Whitman, but I agree with all of it. I'm glad to see that someone is attempting to talk about poetry outside of academia. One thing she said did hit a spot for me: something about post-modernism in the academy being only concerned with language. Or, more accurately, that everything is language. That is the heart of Miss for me: the struggle with organic and language. Where do they intersect? Can they be separated? I believe they cannot. Paglia's comment on post-modernism doesn't seem to allow for the possibility that they are interconnected. More on that in the next post...

5:25 PM  

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