Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Happy Day

As a white person with plenty of education and wealth, I have been part of the winning side of most of American culture. Even though I grew up during the Reagan years, I was not very concerned about matters of politics during my teenage years and so I didn't care much that the deficit went through the roof in the 80s. But since then, I have grown into an understanding of how politics and the personal are intertwined, and I have to say that the last six years have really sucked. While I have been proudly Democrat ever since I was old enough to know better, I have also spent the last six years keeping my mouth shut in public places for fear of retaliation from what seemed to me to be the "people in power" who were determined that we liberals were to be shoved under foot as often as possible.

I am happy today that I am again in a country that has two sides. I grinned as I told my classes that I was happy with the election results. I encouraged those 18 year-old students who called themselves Republican to continue voting and discussing their own opinions on political issues. Hey, I voted Republican in my first election too. We all live and learn. :)

What feels so good to me is that I really had a secret fear that the voting system was rigged: that elections were only a farce and that the party in power could "take" them at will. Today helped me put that notion aside. It also showed me that there are people out there tired of George W. Bush and his bullshit. As Jebbo said recently, I'm ready to breathe again. And if it isn't too petty sounding, I would like to travel abroad again too!

I know that Democrats are not perfect. I know that we have only won the House 228-196 (and as of right now there is still one seat left to decide in the Senate and we are 50-49). I know that Bush is very powerful and still President for a few more years. But Rumsfeld is stepping down. That is something. And a majority in the House? It's been twelve years since that happened! Even better: A WOMAN as Speaker of the House! That REALLY is something. Okay, I'm getting giddy.

In the long and short of it: at least we might have a little muscle to fight with again. I just hope that those elected are ready to both fight and negotiate.

Happy Happy Day.


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