Saturday, May 22, 2010

Out and about

So, of course, once I figure out one thing, I find that there are five
other things to figure out. We went off the island again yesterday
(into Guangzhou) to do a little shopping, which means carrying plenty
of supplies with us. That part, I've figured out. Plenty of pre-
mixed bottles, check. Warm water in a Thermos, check (btw, Thermos
are much improved since I was a child, they actually hold the
temperature for hours!). Diapers, wipes, pacifier/towel, check,
check, check.

I figured I had it all down. But, what I didn't consider is how
taking a baby who has been in an orphanage for her first 10 months
into a five-story shopping market with blinking lights and lots of
people, and then asking her to be patient while I decide what I want
(which she did beautifully) would tire her out! When we got back to
the hotel late yesterday afternoon, she was tired and cranky. I
finally gave in and put her to bed an hour early thinking I would have
an early morning today, but, I guess she was really tired after all.
She woke up this morning like a Swiss clock. 6:00 am sharp. She just
needed the extra hour.

All three of us have slight coughs, runny noses, and are generally
tired. The common cold. <Sigh> With the air quality around here, I
don't see how anyone is ever well. See picture from our hotel window:



Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Oh I remember that smog well... I am one who gets really sick with the smog but amazed I got sick on the plane home... I would squirt that Saline up my nose morning and night, a Halls every day and night then 2 Panadol (like Tylenol) I got them from the 7-11 across from the Swan... I never got sick... thank goodness...
Oh yep, packing that bag... checking everything is in there... gotta love going to Carrefore...
Who is your guide?

11:06 PM  
Anonymous Vonda said...

We are hoping you can get home before you get to sick. Those pictures of Zi you posted are so CUTE! I loved them. Love you,

11:25 PM  

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