Monday, May 24, 2010

Breakthrough #1

Yesterday was amazing. She's coming out of her shell. Finally. I
knew there was a curious little girl in there, but until yesterday,
she was pretty content to sit quietly in my arms and look from afar.
I'm also sure that we are just seeing the beginnings of her
personality, but she was a delight yesterday. I hate that I can't
send video to post yet (I've tried, and it doesn't seem to work).

She doesn't seem to be afraid of much. She was climbing over
everything, making head first dives from the bed to the floor, trying
to reach everything in sight to feel (and taste) it. It was all
really fun for us (and her?).

Today is back to cranky and tired, for all of us. Maybe we did too
much yesterday, I'm not sure. But we elected to skip the tour this
morning because she was not up for it. Finally, now, she is taking a
nap. Relief. We did a little shopping close to the hotel because we
can dart out at any second and get back to the room if we need to; we
are just trying to stay low key. I'm not sure yet if we have stuff to
do this afternoon or not. We need to call our guide and find out.

Here are a few pictures from yesterday's tour of Six Banyan Trees
temple (Buddhist), in the garden at the Chen Family Temple, and our
fun afternoon playing on the floor.



Anonymous Vonda said...

I knew she was a curious little girl!! I am so glad that she is showing some of herself to you. That really tickles me. I just can't wait to be introduced. Love all three of you.Vonda

2:20 AM  
Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

How I loved the Buddhist Temple... found that place to be so relaxing... glad all is going well..

7:57 AM  

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