Friday, June 04, 2010

Cuss this is hard!

Okay, so I love this child more than I thought humanly possible, but parenting is NOT for sissies!  Jebbo says that it takes one day for every hour of time difference to adjust when traveling (I don't want to even think about how I lived in two time zones for 8 years and why that was so exhausting), so that means it should take us 12 days to adjust to getting home from China.  And, when I think about it -- look back at my posts for proof -- that is about how long it took me to start sleeping through the night when we were there.

So, today is day 6, by next Thursday, we should be back on our sleep schedule.

That will not be a moment too soon.  Last night she slept from 10-4 (I slept from 12-4) and then again this morning from 8-11:30 (I slept from 9-11:30).  She's asleep again now, 3-4:30 (I'm not sleeping).  That still leaves her with a 2 hour deficit (me too), which partly explains why she needs me to not only hold her at every moment, but to move around.  It isn't good enough for me to sit and hold her.  And, I tell you, her 20 pounds is nothing to scoff at!

So, I'm tired.  But, I took a yoga class last night, and that helped me to sleep soundly.  I'm taking another one tonight.  Then tomorrow, Ang is coming to visit, so I'll let her carry the 20 pounds for a while.  :)

I'm glad to be getting 6 hours of sleep.  Running on 2-3 hours those first few days was not only hard, but probably not safe ... there were several moments when I thought I might nod off while holding her on couches or other places she could fall from.  But, getting back to 8 hours will be nice.  The interesting thing has been how well I have been functioning on such little sleep.  It's like my body hit some kind of hormonal overdrive.  Weird stuff.

Anyway.  The weekend is almost here, so Charles and Ang can help me out over the weekend, maybe I can get a little extra sleep.

In the mean time, I am surviving, and enjoying watching her open up to us.  She is teething too.  Her first bottom tooth (on her right) is through the gum and the top left one is peeking through today.  This probably adds to her discomfort.  Poor baby.

More soon.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I CAN"T WAIT to haul her 20lbs around!!! And you can take plenty of naps!! :) She can entertain me this trip and ya'll or you can relax... :)--ang

4:20 PM  
Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

So gorgeous... I give Shauna 'Teething Tablets' when she is feeling all the soreness with her teeth... they seem to work for her... anything to get rid of her pain... poor darlin's...

5:39 PM  

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