Thursday, July 01, 2010

Last few days

It is probably better to die suddenly, with no warning.  I think if given the chance to know the exact date and time of my death, I would pass.

The first sets of tests support cancer in Phoenix's lungs.  There were also tissue samples that should be analyzed by Friday.  But, the doctor is not optimistic.  So, we get to have him home for a few days while we wait on those final results to make sure that there is nothing else we can do for him.  His breathing is extremely labored, I need to keep him calm, still, and quiet, and I have to get him to take some medicines.  On the other hand, he is still eating and drinking (albeit in small amounts), he still goes potty outside, and he is still his sweet, loving, beagle self.

So, we do get to have a few days more with him.  While I am abundantly thankful for this time, it is hard to watch him dying.  It helps to look over at Zi and to see her smile.

He has been a wonderful pet.  We will miss him terribly.



Blogger Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I was the same with my beloved cat Garfield... he had really bad arthritis and it was getting to the point where it was really hurting him... so, called the vet and told him to give me a few days... I got the chance to give him extra cuddles and buy all his fave foods... sending you hugs on what happens next... it will be hard but like you said that Miss Zi will be keeping you busy :)

5:36 PM  

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