Monday, May 21, 2007

Small Things, Part One

I've spent the past month or so really thinking about the larger patterns in my life. At this point, I'm depressed and sick of myself. So, this morning I want to think about something smaller. In fact, I am hoping that I can blog about some small thing every day for the rest of the summer.

Don't hold me to that.

Today's small thing is: deodorant

Now, that may be funny (or at least strange), but deodorant is (at least a small) part of all of our lives. Recently, I bought a stick with a scent called "Vanilla Chai," and it smells like wedding cake. What a weird thing for your husband to say, "You smell edible." And you to answer, "It is my deodorant."

But there is more to it than that. I am, by nature, not comfortable speaking in front of people. It just so happens that I love what I do, which is to teach (and therefore speaking in front of people is necessary for me to do what I love to do). The paradoxes in my life just astound me. Anyway, when I teach, I sweat. And I don't mean a little perspiration, I mean my underarms pour water like a leaky faucet.

Secret (one of the many many brands of deodorant that I use) put a new "prescription strength" deodorant/antiperspirant out on the market. Rather than just putting it on after your shower in the morning, you apply it the night before and it "soaks in" overnight. For those of us with more serious sweating problems, (oh, and I should note that this is not a stink problem, but a sweat one -- the deodorant part seems to work fine) you reapply it after the shower in the morning too.

I tried it. It did not keep me from sweating when I teach.

So what I have been thinking is two fold. First, is this a problem that many people have? Is sweating, while embarrassing when you are standing in front of people talking, such a bad thing? (I mean I pay lots of money to work out in a heated room to make myself sweat profusely). But second, and more seriously, why is it that I enjoy doing something while my body reacts this way? I mean, the number of ways that I find myself to be masochistic is quickly lengthening to a point that I am concerned for myself. Is it simply that we all enjoy overcoming difficulty, or am I really attracted to the side of life that is painful, miserable, and maybe even harmful?

I mean, in her wonderful workout video, Cindy Crawford says, "pain is a sign to stop."

When I am so uncomfortable that I sweat through two layers of "clinical" strength antiperspirant, what am I doing? And why do I like it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to sweat a lot too (year round) under pressure or not, I had sweaty pits. Then my derm told me about Certain Dri antiperspirant. He said Certain Dri contains the prescription-strength ingredient, aluminum chloride, the most effective active ingredient for treating excessive sweating. The active ingredient in other new antiperspirants is aluminum zirconium, designed to treat mild to moderate perspiration - which is not enough for you and me and the millions of others who sweat more than we want to. Plus, it's cheaper ($5.50 an only used two three times a week at night). Anyway, as you can see, I really like the product, give it a try and see what you think.

2:36 PM  
Blogger Haley said...

Why don't I perspire? I could honestly get up everyday and not put it on. I do just in case. I can go hours under the hot sun in the middle of summer and not break a drop. But when I start, boy it's like a faucet. I know when I have to speak or teach in front of a group my heart tends to sputter and my speech is altered by my nerves. Now, when I concentrate painting I will start sweating and have hot flashes when I put the brush in my hand. Maybe, it's a fear that takes place while we are trying to convey a message, since we feel experienced, and that fear shows due to the fear that we might not do it in a manner we would be perceived.

4:30 PM  
Blogger perrykat said...

I will definitely try this Certain Dri if I can find it when the fall gets here.

And, Arts4230, that is a very interesting idea...maybe it is because it matters that we sweat. I like that idea more than the one about loving pain. :) Someday I will have one of your paintings on my wall (hint, hint).

4:35 PM  

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