Well, I think I am surviving. Thanks for the advice. I bought some gifts online, and I bought the Muppet Christmas album. I haven't exploded yet.
Instead, I'm back to dissertation writing, and it is amazing how you can just crank out the pages when deadlines are close. I guess that's why we have deadlines.
I'm still not eating sugar or wheat -- other than one or two minor slip ups due to Holiday parties and available food supplies. I still feel good. C has now started the no sugar diet. He says no way on giving up wheat. He can't stand the idea of doing without bread.
I have not scored even one interview as of yet. I may end up being one of the 60% of English Ph.D.'s who don't get a job their first year out of school. It is quite depressing. I guess when you go to a school that is known for football rather than academics, you are bound to be in the bottom 60%. Oh well.
On the other hand, Reinhardt is giving me three courses next semester and two of them are actual English courses! I am looking forward to teaching those. I also look forward to only teaching for one school. Driving all over the place gets old.
Other thoughts: What will I do with my 37th year? How could I get certified to teach yoga classes without having to take time off from work? Will I ever actually become a parent?
ahhh. the scatterings of the human mind...