Tuesday, January 30, 2007

So I lost a year: ages

I logged on to RealAge.com and filled out their survey. About an hour later, they emailed me my "real age" which was 35.6 years old. So, somehow, I'm a year and a half younger than I am.

Interesting. After reading all of their materials, I am probably even "younger" but I left several questions unanswered because I didn't know the exact answers, and those may have helped me. Anyway, it is a strange idea: to be older or younger than one is.

Some yogis say that you are only as old as your butt looks. In that case, I'm pushing 60.


On the other hand, my new niece should be born in the next few hours. Her mother was just admitted for a c-section. Caleigh Abigail. Not even one day old yet.

Would you start over again if you could?

I don't think I would. Even with all the mistakes that need correcting.

Friday, January 26, 2007

nature and/or nurture

I have, for quite some time, been interested in and fascinated by the way we (as a culture) divide our influences into the categories of nature and nurture. There is a particularly interesting debate in gender and queer studies about how we come to be women/men or homo/heterosexuals. Few people can deny that our "nature" plays a major role in many aspects of our being, but many people still argue (as Locke did with his idea of the tabula rosa) that we are mostly blank slates waiting to be filled with information.

I my first questions come in the division line between "nature" and "nurture." It seems clear that an instinctual drive to eat is "nature" but is a drive to overeat also part of our "nature?" And what about child rearing: It seems clear that all homosexual people were at least borne by (a least a single moment of) heterosexual compulsion, so where is it that we see "nurture" influencing sexuality? But it is even more complicated, at least to me, than that. If I take LSD, the biological chemistry of my brain changes. Is that "nature" or "nurture?" Does "nature" somehow mean "instinctual" or does any signal produced by my body become natural? And what if I have my biology altered (surgeries, hormones, medications). Is that a cultural adaption?

But the real question for me, is why have we created this division for ourselves? Why is it important that while I may be born with a "female sex," that I can behave with a "masculine gender?" Is it our need to control our bodies? To believe that our brains, our rational thinking capabilities, outweigh the very vessel that (I believe) we actually are? Are we still hoping that "soul" will retain this rational bit, and move on when the body dies? While I can't be sure that something doesn't go on -- I have a hard time thinking that "I" (in the psychological use of the term -- the ego) do.

This is something I've been thinking about for years. But I'm brought back to it lately because of my new eating habits. It has been over three months since I've eaten (except one or two small slides) sugar or wheat. I've lost nearly 15 pounds, but more importantly, I feel different than I've felt in over 20 years. I don't really have mood swings (at least not in the way I had grown accustomed to having). In general, I feel satisfied, content, maybe even happy. I can't be 100% sure that it is the change in diet, but I am comfortable saying that the change in food has changed "me." Is this change a product of nature or nurture? My culture certainly puts sugar and wheat in ALMOST EVERYTHING, so one could argue that it is nurture. Yet, I know plenty of people who eat sugar and wheat, and they don't seem to be unhappy people. So maybe my nature is opposed to these foods. But even more interesting is the claim that "I" am somehow changed by this. I find -- and you have probably noticed the changes in my posts -- that I'm not as quick to anger, not as apt to over think the problems of the world, not as "thinking." One might argue that these are not positive changes.

Yet, life is easier. Life, in the culture that I am living, is more tolerable. And while it is interesting to ask if it is nature or nurture that prompted the change, I feel that the distinction is not really that important. It is.

God. I sound like a Buddhist.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Making progress

Today is a good day.

I have successfully led my committee to agree that I can graduate this semester and that March 21st would be a great day for my dissertation defense (that date is not in stone and it is early enough that we can move it if we need to). I also had my second day of teaching English and English education majors. What a delight! While I knew that I loved to teach literature, teaching it to students who have chosen to be English majors is a whole new game. Wonderful.

That is all.

I am just smiling because some days are good ones. This is one of those days.

Monday, January 08, 2007

School Starts

I think that one thing that drives me to be an academic is the sense of "fresh starts" that comes with the beginning of each new term: new students, new classes, and as my friend always says, "The fresh bouquet of newly sharpened pencils." I think most people at least remember the excitement/nervousness of the new term (especially in college) with a sense of nostalgia.

I get to live in nostalgia.

But with that excitement comes some stress. I dreamt of the first class meeting for what seemed like hours last night. I hadn't made copies of my syllabus, I wasn't ready for classes to start, the students were unruly and did not let me talk, and I was wearing some horrible outfit that didn't match.

Stress dreams: C still dreams that he sleeps through and misses an exam. I sometimes dream about waiting on tables and not being able to get anything done. We are strange little creatures aren't we.

Anyway. Like Jebbo, I'm back to work.

Here's to hoping that Florida can make the SEC look great tonight.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

the problems with celebrations

While I love a good celebration as much as the next woman, I don't like the way the next morning is nearly wasted with stomach, head, and general aches. I think back to when I went out every night (oh those crazy college years), and I marvel at what a young body can do.

I'm okay, but it seems more and more that a girl really has to "pay" for her fun in several ways. "Poor me!"

Now, I'm off to try and finish this last chapter. I have a 4 o'clock deadline. Will I make it?

I don't know.

Wish me luck~

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Full moons, mojitos, and tequila shots

Well, today we have the first full moon of 2007. The world is full of people with new intentions, with hangovers, and with a harness around their bellies and mouths as they try to "drop a few pounds."

I, on the other hand, will celebrate the full moon with friends at the local tacqueria after my yoga class. My less-new eating style requires that I skip the sweet mixture in margaritas and mojitos, so I will just order shots and tacos. (Btw, I've lost 10 pounds now on my no wheat no sugar regiment).

But here is what I'm thinking. If I don't get the job at Hunter (oh, and I want it -- it would be a perfect job for me), at least I won't have to start over again making friends. I've been going out regularly with a great group of women from the yoga studio, and it reminds me that it takes quite a while to make friends when you move to a new place (I think we've been here about a year and seven months). So, if I get the news that I'm not the chosen one (they said they would let me know in early February), at least I have friends to drown my sorrows with.

So, here's to friends -- old and new -- and to finding consolation in whatever happens.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year


wow -- 2007

Sometimes I feel my age. It is interesting that I was an adult 20 years ago: that I've made 20 years worth of meaningless new year's resolutions. In addition, January 1st, 2007 means that Pheonix is five years old. Happy Birthday to the number one beagle in my life.

As for the rest of us. Another year begins. A clean slate. A fresh start.

What will this year hold for me? What will be different?

My list of hopeful resolutions:

  • To eat healthy foods
  • To worry less
  • To laugh more
  • To begin a new job
  • To write poetry
  • To become a parent (and to do that to the best of my ability)
  • To be a loving and supportive partner

I'm sure that there are other things, but I haven't come to them just yet.

Anyway. Happy New Year.